Meeting Minutes
NDCCA Annual Business Meeting
October 21, 2024
Bismarck Event Center – Upper Level Prairie Rose Room 105

President Hollekim called the business meeting to order at 3:55 PM, thanking the commissioners for their attendance and then appointed NDACo Executive Director Aaron Birst as Parliamentarian for the meeting.

The President directed the members’ attention to the Regional Caucus Materials mailed to all commissioners. She noted the minutes of the previous meeting have been reviewed and approved by the Convention Minutes Committee. The minutes are available in the convention app. She noted that there would be no Constitution and Bylaws report since no amendments are being recommended.

Treasurer Glenda Collier (Eddy) delivered the Treasurers Report. She focused on the ending fund balance, budget, and dues, noting that one county had decided not to renew their membership. She reminded the members that the Association operates on a two-year budget and generally considers changes to the dues amount only on odd-numbered years. This year was a non-legislative year so it is anticipated that the majority of those budget expenditures will occur in the second year of the two-year budget. The Association is in solid financial shape and the Board is not recommending any changes to the dues. As this is a two-year budget, there is no need for a motion to adopt the budget. Neal Messer (Stark) moved and Tracey Dolezal (Dunn) seconded to accept the report as presented. The motion was accepted and approved on a voice vote.

The President requested that the regional caucus chairs deliver their reports.

  • Region I: Beau Anderson (Williams) reported that his region met with Region VII via Teams. Proposed resolutions and Measure 4 were discussed. Members present were in support of all proposed resolutions and the policy change.
  • Region II: Trudy Ruland (Mountrail) reported that Region II met at Ward County courthouse in person and via Teams and that she was re-elected to serve as the regional representative. Measure 4 was discussed, attendance was poor due to Hostfest.
  • Region III: Nick Moser (Cavalier) reported that his region met with Region 4 in Devils Lake and via Teams. Measure 4 was discussed as well as the need for additional jail space and benefits of a regional jail.
  • Region IV: Steve Forde (Nelson) reported that Region IV met with Region III in Devils and via Teams. His region elected Aaron Mork (Nelson) to be the new regional representative. Measure 4 was the main topic discussed.
  • Region V: Tony Gringberg (Cass) reported that Region V met in Fargo. Discussed siting permits and Measure 4.
  • Region VI: Becky Hagel (Foster) reported that she was re-elected to serve as the regional representative. Measure 4 and issues finding state’s attorneys in rural areas were discussed.
  • Region VII: Jamee Folk (Mercer) reported Region VII met with Region I via Teams. Proposed resolutions and Measure 4 were discussed. Members present were in support of all proposed resolutions and the policy change.
  • Region VIII: Scott Ouradnik (Slope) reported that Region VIII held their meeting in New England on October 9. Proposed resolutions, bylaws and New England and Dickinson jails were discussed.

The President called for the standing committee reports.

  • Audit Committee: Tony Grindberg (Cass), Audit Committee Chair, gave the Audit Committee Report. He reported that the committee reviewed the books at the convention and found them to be correct for year ending September 30, 2024. Grindberg moved the acceptance of the report; the motion was seconded by Greg Goodman (Cavalier) and passed on a voice vote.
  • Nominating Committee: Stanley Dick (Cavalier), Nominating Committee Chair, delivered the Nominating Committee report stating that based on the Constitution and By-Laws, all NDCCA Board positions have two-year terms; with half of the Board of Directors elected each year and the positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer elected on odd-numbered years.
    • Dick then presented the following slate of candidates for consideration:

For NDCCA Director – 2-year term (2 Positions)

  • Jason Arth (Sargent)

  • Andy Zachmeier (Morton)

NACo Board of Directors – 2-year term (1 Position)

  • Perry Turner (McIntosh)

NDIRF Board of Directors – 3-year term (1 Position)

  • Lyle Bopp (Sargent)

  • Jim Kapitan (Cass)

Hollekim called for nominations from the floor. There being no nominations from the floor, Hollekim called for nominations to cease and a motion to accept the nominations as presented. Stan Dick (Cavalier) moved and Trudy Ruland (Mountrail) seconded to cease nominations and accept slate of candidates as presented. The motion passed on a voice vote.

President Hollekim invited candidate Lyle Bopp to speak. Jim Kapitan was not in attendance.

NDIRF Board Candidates

Lyle Bopp (Sargent) addressed the attendees and provided his background and requested support.

Because there was a contested race, attendees were directed to cast their votes using ballots that were handed out to the members. Paper ballots were collected by staff for the tally.

Resolutions Committee: Neal Messer (Stark), Co-chair of the Resolutions Committee, presented the Resolutions Committee report. He began by explaining the proposed NDCCA & NDACo Resolutions Policy #1. Messer informed the members that he was going to read the titles of all the printed resolutions recommended for adoption and then ask for requests to separate the policy or specific resolutions for individual debate or amendment. He would then move the adoption of all those not separated in one motion. He read the following:

Proposed NDCCA & NDACo Resolutions Policy #1: Policies adopted at the NDCCA Annual Business Meeting and NDACO Delegate Council Meeting shall be in effect for a period of 4 years. Any policy not renewed or modified after that period shall be null and void.

  • 2024 Proposed Resolutions:
  • 2024-01 Alternatives to Property Tax Funding
  • 2024-02 Property Tax Exemptions
  • 2024-03 Support for County Infrastructure
  • 2024-04 Support for the North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund
  • 2024-05 Cooperative Sharing of Services
  • 2024-06 Support for American Energy Independence
  • 2024-07 Support for the United States Postal Service


  • 2024-08 Onsite Wastewater Systems
  • 2024-09 Foreclosure Properties

President Hollekim called for motion to accept Resolutions Policy #1 and Resolutions 1 thry 7. Bob Rost (Grand Forks) moved and Karen Anderson (Walsh) seconded to approve Resolutions Policy #1 and Resolutions 1 through 7. The motion passed on a voice vote.

Messer presented 24-08 and 24-09 (revised resolutions) to the members. President Hollekim called for discussion or a motion to approve. Nathan Boehm (Morton) moved and Tracey Dolezal (Dunn) seconded to approve. The motion was passed on a voice vote.

The President then called for election results for the contested position and announced the following:

  • NDIRF Board: Lyle Bopp (Sargent)

Other Business:

President Joan Hollekim called for a motion to adourn. Chad Peterson (Cass) moved and Jason Arth (Sargent) motioned to adjourn. The motion passed on a voice vote.

Approved by Board Resolution: _____________________________

Aaron Birst, Secretary

Date: ____________________________________