NDCCA Offers National Participation Matching Funds

50% Reimbursement Available to One Commissioner per Region

The North Dakota County Commissioners Association Board of Directors (NDCCA) has set aside money to encourage increased participation in National Association of Counties (NACo) events.

NDCCA will reimburse 50% of the registration and travel expenses of one commissioner from each of the state’s eight commissioner caucus regions, up to a maximum of $1,500.

NDCCA Past President Chad Peterson said of the offer, “I am so excited about this opportunity for Team North Dakota. As I’ve been saying for years, everything you are experiencing, others are going thru it now or have gone thru it before, so why reinvent the wheel? The amount we can learn from one another will save time and resources. You’ll learn from peers, learn about programming available to you and grant opportunities that you can leverage to get the job done in your county.”

The three events eligible for these scholarships are:

  • Legislative Conference: February or March – Washington, D.C.
  • Western Interstate Region Conference: May – rotating between host states
  • NACo Annual Conference: July – rotating between various states
  • Specifics for these events can be found at www.naco.org/events/conferences 

Participation in national events has the potential to pay great dividends for North Dakota counties, from input on national policy to becoming educated on available federal resources. For more information or to indicate interest in taking advantage of this opportunity, commissioners are encouraged to contact the NDACo office at 701-425-0808.

Access the application here.